Jumah Announcement – march 14 2025

Assalamu Alaikum Dear Community,

We are pleased to announce that two esteemed scholars, Moulana Uzair Bazi (Masjid Ibrahim, Portland) and Shaikh Fazal Bari (Hidaayah Institute), will be our honored guest speakers for Jumah Khutbah this Friday, March 14th, InshaAllah.

 Jumah Schedule – March 14th:
🕌 1:45 PM – 1st Jumah led by Shaikh Fazal Bari
🕌 2:45 PM – 2nd Jumah led by Moulana Uzair Bazi 

This is a great opportunity to gain valuable knowledge and strengthen our Imaan. We encourage everyone to attend and benefit from their wisdom.

Jazakum Allahu Khairan!